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The Poltroons of Naga Society

There are countless of them. Their physical features resembles that of a human but their traits are nowhere near to that of a civilised being. They are worst than the leeches. For a leech stop sucking the blood of its prey once it is satiated. But these people will not stop till life is sucked out of its prey. They do not have an opinion of their own. The only job of these jabronis is to defend the actions of their masters. They do so because their survival depends on the crumbs thrown at them by their masters.
They are active mostly on Facebook and WhatsApp. They will lambaste anyone who tries to raise voice against the establishment. 'Positive criticism' is what they pretend to advocate but in reality they detest all sorts of criticism.
Their polemic writings are a testament to that. They cannot withstand the bitter truth for it is hard to swallow. 'You've sold your vote during the election, you have no right to raise your voice now' so 'SUFFER'. This is the most common tactic which they employ to silence any opinion which differs from theirs. Little do they realize that there are people who did not succumb to their evil ploy. When the first tactic fails, they employ the second tactic to emotionally blackmail their adversary. 'Don't always criticise, sometimes learn to appreciate others' is what they will say.
It's futile to even try to have a discourse with them. As I have said earlier, they do not have an opinion of their own. They will instead indulge and resort to mudslinging. Their minds are  preconceived and as such it is also futile to reason with them. They intend to win every conversation regardless of the methods involved.
Their minds are feeble yet they are pretentious. They will fickle when better opportunity presents before them. And so 'Poltroon' is the word which best describes them.

I have total disregard for these kind of people. I am trying to avoid them both in reality and in virtual. They are obnoxious and makes me sick. I have decided that it is best to leave them alone in their la la land.


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