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If I ever be an Air but good Air!
I would be that air you first breathe
in your mother’s womb,
we could have already known each other by then.
You would have cried no more,
for you knew, you already have me.
I would have flapped my wings,
and eased your mother’s pain,
giving life and hope to you both.
I would watch you in your mother’s breast;
support you as you begin to walk;
float softly to watch you sleep;
I’d be around- all around you.

If I ever be an Air but good Air!
I’d ride you on my back to the beach;
watch you smile while your golden hairs sway gently.
To the mouth of the waterfall is where I will take you.
In solitude just you and me-
we will build a concrete world.
I would take you to the mountaintop
and view the world below;
on to the twilight is where we will march.
But most of all;
I would sail all the way through your lip,
cut to the chase,
fall straight into your heart,
and build my eternal home there.

If I ever be an air but good Air!
when you are lying breathless
and the shadows of dark dances;
when your lip are chapped
and your smile starts to fade,
when your eye grows dim
and your word cease to flow
I’d grant your wishes for I will be your next breath:
Maybe just next breath for you to smile once again,
just next breath for the world to hear your voice,
just once or perhaps
just to say goodbye.

If I ever be an Air but good Air!
when you grow old and your hairs turn grey
you’d still be my love;
I will never turn away from you
neither will I leave you alone.
In the dark underworld, I would never forsake you.
I will be there by your side
Fear not love! for I’m not leaving you.
Though it would pain
to lose such a beautiful soul,
still, I will follow you to your grave.
I’d be with you.
I would disappear to be with you forever!

                                                                        H MANAN PHOM


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