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On March 5 Incident

The incident of March 5, 2015, in Dimapur was a very unfortunate incident. There is no doubt that the act was horrific, inhuman and not at all justified. However, the outside world should know that this act was not instigated, perpetrated nor spearheaded by any organizations or unions. It was purely the act of a mob and it cannot be contained even by law enforcing agencies anywhere in the world when they are outnumbered and this is exactly what happened at Central Jail in Dimapur. The police personnel was outnumbered and except for blank firing, they could do nothing as most of the protestors were students in uniform. The prime factor for the gathering of such a mammoth crowd was primarily social networking sites where most people frustrated with the way judiciary functions (where the accused are tried and eventually granted bail) flocked to the streets to show solidarity to the victim in the form of a rally organized by various groups. The rally was peacefully held but then it escalated into what was very unfortunate whereby the irate mob stormed the jail and the accused was dragged out and lynched thereafter.

It should also be known that the act was not intended to incite communal disharmony. The act was not against any particular religion or community but it was against a rapist. The Muslim Council Dimapur has also made a press release stating that the communal harmony has not been disturbed and that calm should be maintained in other parts as well.

With regard to the CCTV footage that was being circulated in many sites, let’s not jump to conclusions by seeing a video which has not been proven whether it is authentic or not. The identity of the girl is not shown; the date and time are not even shown in the footage. Let us be sensible and try to reason without jumping to conclusions.

Forensic reports are awaited; investigations are on, so till the results are out and the picture is crystal clear, it would be best on our part to refrain ourselves from posting any kind of posts related to this issue that might flare up this issue even more so that the lives of our people living in other parts of the country are not endangered.


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